Styling the components
The pre-built UI for React and Vue.js take a property called appearence
. Using this property, you can change the colors and fonts of the pre-built components to match the rest of your system.
The appearance
property takes an object typed as { theme?: [Theme](#theme-object) }
and the Theme has two properties: colors
and fonts
For example, to make the primary button pink and change the font:
Below is a list of colors, fonts, and their default values:
Property | Default Value |
main | "Inter", -apple-system, system-ui, sans-serif |
mono | monospace |
Property | Default Value |
errorColor | #fe4f0d |
svgIconColor | #121212 |
svgIconMutedColor | #f7f7f7 |
loadingSpinnerColor | #cccccc |
loadingSpinnerBorder | #f1f1f1 |
surfaceBg | #f7f7f7 |
surfaceLink | #666666 |
surfaceText | #666666 |
surfaceTextBg | #ffffff |
cardBg | #ffffff |
cardHeadingText | #121212 |
cardBodyText | #121212 |
cardFooterText | #b0b0b0 |
cardFooterLink | #b0b0b0 |
panelBg | #f7f7f7 |
panelText | #121212 |
inputBg | #ffffff |
inputText | #121212 |
inputPlaceholder | #333333 |
inputBorder | #333333 |
inputFocusGlow | rgba(46, 234, 175, 0.3) |
inputDisabledBg | #dedede |
inputDisabledText | #333333 |
buttonIconColor | #ffffff |
buttonIdleText | #ffffff |
buttonIdleBg | #212121 |
buttonIdleBorder | transparent |
buttonIdleShadow | transparent |
buttonPassiveBg | #f7f7f7 |
buttonPassiveText | #bababa |
buttonHoverBg | #121212 |
buttonHoverText | #ffffff |
buttonHoverBorder | black |
buttonHoverShadow | transparent |
buttonFocusBorder | rgba(46, 234, 175, 0.3) |
buttonFocusShadow | rgba(46, 234, 175, 0.3) |
buttonAltIconColor | #ffffff |
buttonAltIdleText | #333333 |
buttonAltIdleBg | #ffffff |
buttonAltIdleBorder | rgba(0,0,0,0.2) |
buttonAltIdleShadow | rgba(0,0,0,0.05) |
buttonAltPassiveBg | #757575 |
buttonAltHoverBg | #121212 |
buttonAltHoverText | #ffffff |
buttonAltHoverBorder | rgba(0,0,0,0.05) |
buttonAltHoverShadow | rgba(0,0,0,0.05) |
buttonAltFocusBorder | rgba(46, 234, 175, 0.3) |
buttonAltFocusShadow | rgba(46, 234, 175, 0.3) |
buttonSocialIconColor | #ffffff |
buttonSocialIdleText | #222222 |
buttonSocialIdleBg | #f7f7f7 |
buttonSocialIdleBorder | transparent |
buttonSocialIdleShadow | transparent |
buttonSocialPassiveBg | #757575 |
buttonSocialHoverBg | #f7f7f7 |
buttonSocialHoverText | #222222 |
buttonSocialHoverBorder | transparent |
buttonSocialHoverShadow | transparent |
buttonSocialFocusBorder | rgba(46, 234, 175, 0.3) |
buttonSocialFocusShadow | rgba(46, 234, 175, 0.3) |
userAvatarBg | #f7f7f7 |
userAvatarBorder | transparent |
userAvatarText | #222222 |
userMenuBg | #f7f7f7 |
userMenuText | #222222 |
userMenuSeparator | #eee |
userMenuHoverBg | #f1f1f1 |
userMenuHoverText | #222222 |
userMenuShadow | rgba(0,0,0,0.05) |
You can get really creative with the colors:

You can even add background images to Buttons, the Surface section and the Card section

The Scute UI has the ability to adapt it's design based on its container size.
With a container size smaller than 1000px, Scute UI will change into a single column style for ease of use in devices with smaller screen:

If the container size is bigger than 1000px, Scute UI will switch to a two column layuout to make better use of the larger screen to provide a finer experience:

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